Monday, November 9, 2009

Making A Montage♥

Montage Assignment Reflection

In this project I put in 5 image, each one represents something for me. The first Image is the background which is the sea it represents the nature and the beauty of our planet I love the sea because It always remember me about my father. He always takes the family to take a walk during the afternoon and take a look at the sea. Look at the beauty and at the amazing things that God has created to us. The second Image is the one which has a dental assistant lady working on her job, the reason I choose this picture to put in this project is because it has a really value significant to me It means that I choose this to study I Will really love to work as an dental assistant and in the future this image Will represent me because I will be a Dental assistant. The third Image that appears on my project is a horse. The reason why I put this image into my project is because the horse represent me in different ways first of all the horses are one of my priority I love horses for me they are the best thing that had happen to me. The horses are sometimes really lazy but they also are really lovely animals. The horse is the only animal that I like in particular. Whit out horses my life wouldn't be as significant has it is with them. I have learned to love them almost has if they were humans. The forth Image I put In my project is the lady that is on the middle of the background the reason why I put it In the middle of the background picture is because I Love different kinds of colors and this lady represents a lot of different colors and it also Include art, the fifth Image Is the picture that is in the rigth down corner . And the picture has two men's and four women's and it says on the image fashion. I put this image into my project because for me fashion is really Important. I like choosing what I am going to wear when ever I am going somewhere. I love mixing colors and being fashion for me is something really cool and also important because If you now what really fashion means you would definitely look gorgeous In what you wear. I always like to look nice and try to be as fashion a I can. I love fashion and I would never change for anything. Throughout this Image the message I am trying to communicate are different point the first one is the beauty of the nature then the beauty of a horse, and the fashion in this world how in this world everyone is different every person in this world have different interesting in things. And how that make us different and really unique.This project help me to learn different tools that I didn't know how to use. I learned to manipulate the computer a little bit better because I am not as good as I would like to be in computers but I am trying my best to do in my projects and also for the benefits of me. So when ever I need to do another project in photoshop I would fell more comfortable using the tools. It really help me this project to learn tools that I had never seen or experience in my life.

Collage And Photography Work Flow

* In this project named collage and photography I started with the program photoshop. First of all I got in order the background and the resolution of the colors.
I got the background picture from the gallery that Mr.Hicklin send us which is the sea with rocks around
the image and I save it in to my pictures then I went to file browser and I got a layer for the background.
The second image was added from google is the one with the women that works for dental assistant and again I left click and put on save and I put this image in my picture document and then I went to photoshop and I look for the image in the file browser.
After that I used another layer for this image and I put it on the first layer which was the background I got the layer from the menu bar and it said new layer and I click it on that so I could put it on the background picture.When this image was already in the background picture I then went to the tool bar which is the one next to the layer with different tools to used to make any changes on the image that are needed. Then in the tool bar I choose the tool to crop the picture because it was to big for the file. Then when i was done using this tool I got the eraser and I start it to take all the space that I didn't need it on this image after I was done making changes to the image I went again to the tool bar and I used the arrow tool to move the picture to where I Wanted to put it.

* The third image was added from google a ''horse'' I left click on this image then I click on save as,then I save it in to my picture file, then i got out from google and I went to adobe photoshop. Then I went to file browser and look for the image that I save from google. After i got the image I went to menu bar and I click on layer then the drop-down menu came down and I click on new layer. Then the image was added to the background it was layer 3 the image was really big file and it was covering the background which it look really bad. Then I used the tool bar and i got the crop tool and I Crop all the white spot that was in the picture I made the picture smaller and I just focus in the part I was interesting in which was the horse all the view that was in the back of the horse on the image I erased all the beach and the sun and everything that was taking a lot of focus on the main reason of the image.
Then after I was done using this tool I went to the tool bar again and I used the arrow tool to move the image to where I wanted to put it on the background. After it was all set and in the places I wanted with the horse by itself I then went to the 4Th image.

*The forth image was added from google it is the fashion image then I followed the same direction from the 2ND image I left click then i click on save as.. then I went to photoshop and look for the image in file browser then after I found the image I went to menu bar and click on layer and then the drop-down menu appear and I click on new layer. Now this was the 4Th layer on the background picture. This image was really small you could barley see the image so because of that I went to menu bar again and I click on image then drop-down menu came down and i click on image size, then a dialogue box appear and it said pixel dimensions then under this it said width and it was 130, then I got to change this numbers to a big one and I put in 178 and under this it said height 145 and I increase it to 155 pixels then I click on ''OK'' , and then the image change to an increased size and it look better, but you have to be very careful with the increasing numbers and decreasing numbers because if you increased the image to much it might look blurred and the quality of the image would look with a very bad quality of the image. So with this numbers that I increase I made the image to look better and with out having to get the image blurred and look nice. After I was done with the size of the image I went to the tool bar and I click on the eraser to take of all the with an black spots that were in the image and that were not necessary to be there. In the left hand side on top it was a tool that said brush and if you click on there it appear a box with different sizes of the brush you could change it to a bigger brush or to a smaller brush all depending on the size of the image. This tool is really helpful to used when you are erasing something and you have to be really careful because of the size of the brush. Now you don't have to worry about it.
* The fifth image was founded in google and its the image of the Lady with different colors and art in the middle of the background image, And first thing I did was to left click on the mouse and then I click ''save as'', then I went to adobe photoshop and look for the image in the file browser. After I founded I then went to menu bar and click on layer and then the drop-down appear and I click on ''new layer''. now this was the fifth layer on the background image. This image was one of the really huge file it was really big and I had to decreased the size of the image. The way I had to do all this process started in menu bar which is the one in the top then I had to look for Image then I click on that and a drop-down menu came down , and then I went to image size after I click on image size a dialogue box appear on the computer and it said pixel dimensions under this it said width and it was 450 and I had to decrease the image because it was really big, then I decreased the image to 255 pixels after it was a good file and it was no longer to big I then It was already all done and then I went to the end of the project I went to file and click on save as and save it with my name.


  1. The message that you are trying to communicate matches with the photo.
    The creativity is amazing.
    The layers look like they are cut.

  2. The Montage is not creative and fails to communicate a story. Montage does not include at least three image manipulation techniques (adjusting color, retouching, selecting, cropping, resizing, and so on) using Photoshop. Images used in the montage do not have adequate permissions and/or are cited incorrectly. Montage is not copyrighted as original material.
    The workflow and reflection Provides 1–2 written paragraphs reflecting on
    what the student learned and how they used image composition and elements of visual design in the montage.
