Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Card Montage♥

Work Flow
1) The first step I did in this project was to go on Google and look for different kind of pictures relative to Christmas then I save all the images that I wanted in my computer documents. After I save the pictures I went to Adobe Photoshop I open that program and then I press in file then the drop-down menu appear then I press in new, after that a dialogue box appear and I had to put the information of the name of the project, the image size which was a letter size, then the mode which was RGB colors it means red, green and blue three different colors to match with this project, and lastly it has 3 different contents they were white,background color and transparent I choose transparent for this project. After I was done putting all the information that was required for me to put on this file I then press in the button that Say ''OK'' after that a document appear with the size of a letter and transparent. After that I when to the menu bar and press view then the drop-down menu appear then I press on ruler, and I was able to make the letter page into 4 boxes so that way I could of make a card with 4 different kind of pictures with a montage on each one of the pictures. After that the file was ready to go on all set with a good beginning up all this information to have a good quality of a Christmas card.
2) The first picture that was put in this letter was the Christmas tree. The first step that I did in this picture was to increase the size of the picture because it was really small I had to go in the menu bar and press in the one that say Image then the drop-down menu appear and I press on image size then the box of image size came down and it had all the information of the width the height and so on, I had to make some changes with the size because the image was too small. The original size of the picture was width 2000 pixels and height 3000 I change them to width of 2550 pixels and height 3300 pixels. After that in the bottom of the box of ''size of image'' it say document size the width and height change automatically when I made the changes in the image size they were width 8.5 inches, height 11 inches, resolution 300 pixels/inches and the re-sample image was Bucolic. After I was done putting all the information of the image of the picture I then press ''OK'' then I went to menu bar and I press on image then on rotate canvas I rotated the image for 180 then I put this layer in my left hand side in the top, and it was just the tree by itself. Then the next step I did was to put the background first I put a darker blue color in the top of the image and the liter blue color in the bottom. Then I had to montage the presents that are under the three, the blue background and as you can see threes 2 different kinds of blue colors and also the starts. For the montage of the presents I had to choose a picture that was with another tree and with Santa clause. In the picture I went in the tool bar and choose the tool to crop and I crop all the presents that were under the other tree and I also increase the size of each one of them because they were really small and you could barely see them, so after I was done fixing the images that I was going to attach to the picture I then montage the presents and move them around where I wanted them to be I also had to use the eraser tool to manage some misplace things. The next image that I montage in this layer was the starts I had to go in Google and search for starts then I save them and this image I used for this layer the starts were too big and I had to decrease the picture, and then after I increase the picture I then went to the crop tool and crop some of the starts so that way I could get ride off all the other parts of the picture that I didn't need. After that I montage start by start each one at a time. After I was done putting the starts in the background I went to tool bar and used the eraser tool to erase the unnecessary space that was in this starts. After I was done erasing all the white spots that were in the starts I then move them around where I wanted them to be, separated from each others. After I was done with this layer the image look nice I then went to the next layer to star working with the next image.
3) The second Image that I start working on was the picture with the dog and the cat. This picture was really small so I had to use the image size again in this picture; I used the same numbers of the width and the height in this image because the 4 boxes are the same size. I went to the menu bar and press in the one that say Image then the drop-down menu appear and I press on image size then the box of image size came down and I change them to width of 2550 pixels and height 3300 pixels. After that in the bottom of the box of ''size of image'' it say document size the width and height change automatically when I made the changes in the image size they were width 8.5 inches, height 11 inches, resolution 300 pixels/inches. After I was done with the size of the picture then I rotate the picture to 180 and I attach the picture to my right hand top corner. After I was done putting this picture in one of the 4 squares I then when to file browser and look for the picture that I save from Google which was the Christmas hat, I had to increase this hat too because it was too small for the dog's head. So then I went to image size and made some changes with the width and the height. Then after I was done increasing the hat I went to the tool bar and press on image then the drop-down menu appear and then I click on rotate canvas to 180 then the hat was upside down. And by that way I was able to attach this hat to the dog and make look this picture with Christmas animation. The next step that I follow was to attach another image into this layer of the dog and the cat, I then went to file browser and look for the other picture that I save It was a picture with a black background and with different size of yellow starts I choose one and I used the crop tool and crop the one that I like and that was more big. After that I also had to increase the size of the start, and after I was done with the image size, I then went to tool bar and click on image then I click on rotate canvas and I rotate this start to 90 after I was done rotating and increasing this picture I precede to the other step. The next step was to attach the start to the layer with the dog and the cat I move the start where I wanted to be and then I used the eraser tool to get ride off the white spots and then the image was montage where I wanted the image to be. The next picture that I montage in this layer was a sphere I went to file browser and look for this picture that was a tree with different sphere of different colors I once again used the crop tool and crop the sphere that I like the most which was this green one then after I crop this sphere I went to image size and increase the picture, then after I increase the picture then I went to image tool and I rotate the image to 180 after that the image was all set up ready to go on to the next step. I attach this image to the layer of the cat and the dog and lastly I had to use the eraser tool to get ride off the white spots that were in this sphere.
4) The third Image that I work on was on the layer 3 which is the one in the down left hand side. first of all I went to file browser and look for the background picture that I save from Google and then I choose the picture with the background blue with white then I follow the same step from layer 1 and 2 to increase this image. I went to the menu bar and press in the one that say Image then the drop-down menu appear and I press on image size then the box of image size came down and I change them to width of 2550 pixels and height 3300 pixels. After that in the bottom of the box of ''size of image'' it say document size the width and height change automatically when I made the changes in the image size they were width 8.5 inches, height 11 inches, resolution 300 pixels/inches. Then I attach this image to layer 3. After I set up my background I then went to file browser again an look for the next image that I got from Google which was the one with the snow bear and with the board that says ''Feliz Navidad'' . This image was really small as the same as the others so I had to increase the size of the picture but obviously not as big as the background, so after I was done increasing this image I then attach the picture to the background layer. And I move it around where I wanted to be the picture. After I put it where it suppose to be I went to menu bar and used the eraser tool and erased all the white spots and blues spots from the sky that were unnecessary in this image. After I was all done with this picture I then precede to the next Image that I was going to attach to this layer. The next image that I attach to this layer was the letters that said merry Christmas. I had to open a new layer and after I click on in file then the drop-down menu appear then I press in new, after that a dialogue box appear and I had to put the information of the image size which was a letter size, then the mode which was RGB colors it means red, green and blue three different colors to match with this project, and lastly it has 3 different contents they were white, background color and transparent and I choose white, after that I starting working with this next image I went in tool bar and click on the ''T'' which stands for horizontal type tool and I start to type merry Christmas after that I went to the tool bar and I choose for each letter different kind of writing after I choose different kind of writing I choose different kind of colors for each one of the letters I did this too in the tool bar. After I was done putting the colors I then attach this letters into the layer 3 and put it where I wanted to be. After all this process I was done with this layer and ready to go on to the last layer of this card.
5) For the last layer I attach an image from Google and I went to file browser and found it and then I had to increase the image because it was too small for the background after I increased I attach this image to the layer 4 which is the one with the mother hugging her daughter. In this image I just had to use the eraser tool for some spots that were not needed in this image after I was done fixing the mistakes with this image I then precede to the next image. Which is the image with the 2 sphere a gold one and a red one. I search for this image in file browser than after that I found it and I had to used the crop tool to just focus in what I wanted from this picture which was the 2 sphere after I was done cropping what I need I then rotate the image to 90 ccw and then I attach this image to layer 4. After that I move the image where I wanted to be and then I used the eraser tool to erase the tree that was behind this image. The next image that I attach to this layer was the caramels I just attach this image and move it around where I wanted to be then I used the eraser tool and that was the only tools that I used for this image. Lastly I had to write a letter to who I am going to give this card which is my mother. I then click on ''T'' Which stands for horizontal type tool and star writing what I wanted to say to my mom in Spanish. After I was done writing this letter I then went to file and click on save as and I save it in jpg file. Then I was all done with my project with a nice card and with a good quality of a montage.

In this project I had to do a Christmas Card Montage. And I decide to do it really fancy with different kind of colors. In this project I choose almost 8 different pictures almost in all of them I used the crop tool. The first image that I put in this project was the Christmas tree the reason why is because my mom loves Christmas tree and every year we celebrate Christmas and buy a tree, and because this card is for my mom that’s why I choose to put this tree because as I say she loves Christmas trees. In this picture I attach other images which are the starts I put this in this layer because I love how starts shine in the night. The other Image I put was the dog with a cat and the reason why I choose this image is because we have a dog that looks like this one and we love him a lot and I wanted to remember him always that’s why I put this image. And I attach a Christmas hat and a sphere because it represents that Christmas is already coming. The next image is a snow bear with a sign that says ‘’Feliz Navidad’’ I Montage this image because once again it represents Christmas It also represents more things to me one of them is that always that I see a snow bear it always remembers me when we go to big bear, every once a year my family and I go to big bear and make this snow bears, and we have a lot of fun with all my family. This snow bear gives me a lot of memories that’s why I choose to put this image in the card. In the last layer I attach a image that is a mother hugging her daughter the it represents for me my mother and I, because when I saw this image it remembers me all the love that my mom have gave me all the time all the comprehension that she gives me and the way she listen to me when I have problems or difficulty. The last two images are the caramels and the two spheres I put this images in this layer because it represents Christmas. And lastly I write a letter to my mom thanking her for all that she gives me. And wishing her a Merry Christmas with all her family.

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